Friday, April 12, 2002


Every so often, we received a special presidential dispensation to hold a GeSMOKElichkeit.

Friday, February 15, 2002

Trevlighet with Bishop Giertz!

Thanks to the Rev. Eric Andrae, we had a VHS tape of the unleased-in-the-US film version of Bishop Bo Giertz's Hammer of God.  We viewed it at Sihler auditorium and renamed Gemuetlichkeit to Trevlighet for the occasion.

Friday, February 8, 2002

St. Valentine's Cancelation

This is the last day I wore a tie: the 2002 Valentine's Day dance. For some reason, that is when I drew the line and stopped wearing them. Fortunately, I have been able to avoid wearing one ever since - though I had a close call in my secular job a few months back. God is gracious and merciful...